
The APPG on Religion in the Media’s report into “religious literacy” in the media is deeply flawed in its understanding of Islam in particular

How the Anglophile Kaiser Wilhelm went to war with Britain

At Greensill, who could doubt that David Cameron had no idea what was going on?

The newly announced Higher Education Bill won’t be the great champion of free speech that people think it will be

Agree with the policy if you like, but you can’t argue Lockdown harms were caused by Covid

The centrality of religion to the status and mission of monarchy in Britain and Europe

This book offers an insider’s account of the extraordinary (in)decision-making among Johnson’s team during the most tumultuous year in modern history

Thomas Woodham-Smith frets about how to handle real, live customers

The Rump Parliament had the right idea in 1649 when it closed down the upper chamber as “useless”

Nobody could accuse Hockney of over-exerting himself