Artillery Row

Graham Stewart talks to Prof Jeremy Black about how the power of the US president has been exercised since the end of the Cold War

ASH Smyth remembers Ben Cross, Harold Abrahams, and the impact Chariots of Fire had on his 10-year-old self

We are regularly told that Britain is on the brink of crises, but where is the evidence to support this?

The Critic’s political and US editors discuss the aftermath of the election with Republican strategist Luke Thompson and conservative journalist Matthew Continetti

It is a bad sign when Tory MPs say they will vote for their government with “a heavy heart”

The group that projects messages onto Parliament is briefing MPs behind the scenes

The Government’s coronavirus strategy is all about protecting the Conservative Party brand with an eye on the next General Election

In Britain, contentious historical issues receive attention to an unprecedented degree

What we know and can say about the 2020 US Election

Just when we need it more and ever, society’s sense of humour appears to be in terminal decline