
There is nothing semi-skimmed about Sir Charles Walker

Lessons for Priti Patel on how Denmark reduced its appeal to asylum seekers

Answers are the hardest words to say

What does the defence command paper reveal about Britain’s priorities for its armed forces?

If you didn’t want the bus to crash, why did you get on?

With a stroke of the legislative pen, Holyrood has made Scotland the most stringent regulator of speech in the UK

The Unionists’ hope of ousting Sturgeon has failed. Now what?

Professor Jeremy Black discusses with Graham Stewart how US and British defence and security reviews depart from, or continue, a coherent western strategic worldview

Labour has no hope of returning to power if they fail to capture a comfortable working-class seat from a government that has presided over the greatest crisis in living memory

A recent book launch hosted by Policy Exchange provided the perfect opportunity for a Frost, Gove, Rudd and Mandelson rematch