Unequal to the task
Jamie Whyte reviews Capital and Ideology by Thomas Piketty
PAYE makes the world go round
Jamie Blackett reviews Daylight Robbery by Dominic Frisby
Lawrence Wright’s pandemic prescience
An interview with the man who saw it coming
Leading by tantrum
Jeremy Black reviews Hitler: Downfall 1939-45 by Volker Ullrich
The post-Christian identity crisis
Three books portray a West unconscious of its past and uncertain of its future
A vengeful pursuit of political power
Natascha Engel reviews Unspeakable by John Bercow
Who holds the power?
Literary reputations are made and broken by a self-appointed clique of bien pensant liberal intellectuals
Masterful tombstone for a tudor bruiser
Hannah Betts reviews The Mirror & The Light by Hilary Mantel
The twin prophets of pessimism
The novelist and the philosopher linked by a common fascination with despair
A puritan but not a fanatic
Simon Heffer reviews Providence Lost: The Rise and Fall of Cromwell’s Protectorate by Paul Lay