
Picking sport’s winners and losers when they are so young is a mug’s game

Bozzo’s team meets a nice girl called Greta, and spends ages over something called a tweet

Validating everyone’s wishes leaves us prone to outbreaks of self-indulgence

Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton might not exactly hate each other, but their relationship is formal verging on chilly

Seek out dissenting transphobes and punish them without mercy

Wokeness is less an intellectual position and more a form of wish-fulfilment

We need heavyweights to separate good from bad

Acronyms are one of the means by which bureaucracies hide or obfuscate what they do

Lucien veers between lamenting modern theatre’s disdain for “truly serious work” and suspecting that it all could have gone a great deal worse

Time for self-styled “design guru” Stephen Bayley to move on from his erstwhile mentor, monstrous Sir Tel