
As feminists, we must hold on to our victimhood at all costs. It is the source of our strength

In politics, narrative is now less synonymous with events than with their exposure as a pack of lies

No one will say the truth to the one side that is waging the culture war. The only dog in this battle will win it

Dealing with your bank online makes the Labyrinth seem like a Roman Road

Even without the Human Rights Act, our judges would have developed a new law on privacy by now

The toppling of Colston’s statue in Bristol sends a terrible message to today’s would-be philanthropist

The Electoral Commission has repeatedly wilted in the face of hysterical conspiracy theories

The clinical decisions rushed through in March had a single goal: to protect the reputation of the NHS

The referee is a blessed form of jobsworth

Mussolini may have had his flaws, but at least he didn’t diet