Reclaiming the altar of wokery
Laurence Fox has better credentials for engaging with the woke generation than the average Tory MP
How to scotch independence
Can and should the Supreme Court decide the UK border?
Post-colonial bad jokes
The whole history of the West is — to confound the simplicities of the woke — one gigantic act of “cultural appropriation”
Privilege comes from the Latin privilegium, a bill or law giving advantage to a private individual
Sex and the singular fisherman
Pike abound in British rivers yet are seldom caught for the table
The redemption we need
After a national Lent that has lasted a year, we can smell the blossom of hope
Make a bonfire of Dr Seuss
Titania McGrath on how book burning is the only way to defeat fascism
Beyond unthrilled by all the hype
When a new major title by a big cheese arrives, expect a tidal wave of rolled logs
Am I really part of the EasyJet community?
An eye for the world after Trump
Senator Tom Cotton ticks all the Republican White House boxes – provided the last incumbent bows out