
The culture clash between East and West is complicated by interdependence

How should America deal with a newly aggressive and expansionist Beijing?

My time as the first foreign broadcaster accredited to Mao’s China

Grammar schools, Tony Crosland and the Encounter club

Usman Khan’s failed de-radicalisation bears parallels with A Clockwork Orange

Mahler’s political journey from Baader-Meinhof terrorist to Holocaust denier illustrates Germany’s post-Hitler psychodrama

Black intellectuals who refuse to subscribe to the liberal consensus on race have been belittled, insulted and ignored by a predominantly white left wing elite

The Rump Parliament had the right idea in 1649 when it closed down the upper chamber as “useless”

A patronising and draconian response to female genital mutilation risks victimising women who have already been abused

Kit Wilson says the slow atrophy of the English novel is contributing to a decline in empathy and the rise of tribalism, trolling and “stay in your lane” identity politics