Issue: August/September 2021

How the paternal gorgon finally attracts our empathy, waging a last intellectual battle

“Rewilding” is fashionable but there is more to it than letting Nature run free

The Magic Box is Rob Young’s impassioned, occasionally impenetrable, psycho-history of the TV of his youth

Richard Negus says the cruel sentimentality of the Hunting Act scars the countryside to this day, but the biggest loser is the animal it purported to protect

The control of free speech at universities is a first step on a path towards totalitarianism

The row over sending great British bangers to Bangor illustrates a dismal lack of gastronomic culture

The first duty of a conductor is to imagine a world without noise

The line between dishonesty and stupidity can be difficult to spot

Knowing Rage Against the Machine are political doesn’t overcome my determination to enjoy them anyway

Football may be the new religion, but it faces the same challenges as the old