July 2021: Letters to the Editor
Peter Hitchens says the West was bullied into using the name “Beijing” instead of “Peking”
Slaying gay culture
How trans activists took over the once worthy gay rights struggle
Anatomy of a populist cynic
As Spain’s national-conservatives get outflanked by “Alvise”, Europe’s “new right” would do well to watch the fringes, too
The pointlessness of pintlessness
There is no case for slashing the drink-driving limit
Culture war, what is it good for?
Women will continue to battle for our rights
Sport, strength and pseudo-feminism
We should expose the emptiness of femininity compared to femaleness
Fear and favour
Are the police guilty of a “two tier” approach? They are if their own “Police Race Action Plan” is to be believed
How gender identity hurt women in Argentina
Argentinian women need refuges — but only for women
The world is not enough
In the battle between abstract globalisation and rooted identity, the human spirit itself is at stake