
The instinct towards appeasing “sensitivity” would stifle the creative impulse

An element of fiction can bring insights and humanity that pure non-fiction lacks

Thrillers from Finland to Afghanistan

Top television recommendations for the summer from Adam LeBor

Will your interpretation of history be more interesting than the real thing?

The contrast between the lives of the boxers in “Fight School” and those portrayed in “Anatomy of A Scandal” could not be sharper

Bawdy humour and the pantomime go together like sausages and mash, whatever you make of that banger

These enlightened times now ensure Jenny also runs off with the male parts!

Bertolt Brecht’s didacticism puts off a lot of people who are sympathetic to a marxist world view

As Line of Duty now seems mired in the complexity of its own backstory, Alexander Larman asks if on-screen plots have become too complicated for us to enjoy