Fishing wars
Brexit fallout sees France going into decline, while Britain exploits its new-found freedoms
Happily ever EFTA?
This genuine trade bloc is a chance for Britain to show international leadership
Fairgrounds, Franco, and the future of Spain
An author challenges her nation’s collective and individual self-deceptions
A lecture in unflagging naivety
If you want your views of the wrongness of Brexit confirmed, this dull book will do so
The problem with Frost’s speech
Despite all the evidence, the UK assumes that the EU is acting in good faith
One big Anglo family
The other Europeans Irish share the most in common with … are the British
Brexit has freed the EU
Now the brakes are off, the EU is morphing into a full-fledged transfer union
EU, mind your own business!
Does the EU genuinely fear a backdoor into its single market?
Switzerland and Britain need to talk
London and Bern need to coordinate their approach to the EU
Improving Brexit
Ways to improve the Brexit deal without compromising on sovereignty