
This scholarly, readable and objective book will be the standard biography of Sir Edward Grey for decades to come

What is the significance of Michael Gove’s Brexit agreement?

As Coronation Street celebrates its diamond jubilee, is it time to take it seriously as the chronicler of our times?

Kapil Komireddi interviews Dr Mahathir Mohamad about the decapitation of Samuel Paty in France, China’s treatment of Muslims, Kashmir, Brexit, and Jewish influence.

The Ethiopian prime minister’s Nobel Peace Prize appears increasingly ludicrous as he risks civil war

Myth-makers are following fashion not evidence

Adam LeBor investigates the former communist cult that has found common cause with the prime minister and the Brexiteer Conservative right

…and why I broke away from Nigel Farage

Today, our heroes are demi-gods with superhuman powers, genius detectives and, painful though it is to admit, activists

A new collection of essays provides a welcome reappraisal of Labour leader James Callaghan, says Graham Stewart