Postal Voting
Voter fraud is real
Britain and America are unusually vulnerable, for the same progressive reasons
The problem with the exit poll
Don’t go to bed early, says Graham Stewart
Revive the roots
To save the Conservative Party, its chairman must return powers to the local associations
Stubbs at flay
His controlled charnel house gave the painter a peerless understanding of horses
There is no human right to assisted suicide
Lady Hale is wrong about the existing laws
Tough on smoking, tough on alternatives to smoking
We should give smokers healthier options, not no options
“Social justice” is damaging education
Teaching is in danger of degenerating into indoctrination
Academia must not dissolve scholarship into politics
Scholarly rigour must be put above ideological virtue signalling
Children of the apocalypse
When you tell young people that the end of the world is coming, what do you expect them to do?
Did we get Brexit done?
Brexit is unfinished, yes, but the potential is enormous
Just stop
A new wave of disruptive protest is openly criminal, yet is minimally policed. It is time to say enough — and ban them all
Weren’t the grownups meant to be back in charge?
Shallow managerialism has failed us already