
The question of human rights, Christian morals and Western ethics has hitherto been an academic debate; now it is in the public arena

In recognising the threat Hitler posed and swimming against the tide of public opinion, the glamour boys defied the stereotypes

Frederic Raphael defends his friend, the writer Joseph Epstein, latest victim of America’s cancel culture for daring to mock Jill Biden’s doctorate

Jeremy Black talks to Graham Stewart about the French experience from the liberation of 1944 through to the student unrest of 1968

Professor Jeremy Black talks to Graham Stewart about what made French politics and society distinctive in the decades before and after WWI

The Upswing by Robert Putnam, with Shaylyn Romney Garrett

Dominic Hilton recalls the cast of characters at a Buenos Aires club de barrio

Nick Cohen laments the pandemic’s effect on competitions

Stoddard Martin delves into a world beyond police and courtroom, with its own code of right and wrong, in Gerald Jacobs’s Pomeranski