
Backlash to the LGB Alliance’s charitable status shows that organisations which once stood-up for the right to be homosexual now undermine the concept

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a long-dead author who is beloved by millions will, eventually, find themselves dragged into controversy

In response to Richard Dawkins’ recent cancellation, Maya Forstater welcomes the scientist into the ongoing “TERF wars”

The increasingly partisan ways of the New York Times is setting an agenda that UK media outlets like the BBC appear unable to resist

In a warning to teachers around the world, one American teacher opens up about the invasion of woke orthodoxy in the education sector

In the wake of renewed controversy over Philip Roth’s treatment of women, Nigel Jones asks whether there is a link between creative genius and sexual unorthodoxy

Privilege comes from the Latin privilegium, a bill or law giving advantage to a private individual

Lisa Hilton asks whether Twitter mobs should be able to police the imagination of novelists and playwrights

Jonathon Green wonders if, despite this being a fascinating book, the author has set herself up for defeat

Is the Democratic Party under Joe Biden becoming the party of banning books?