C.P. Nield
C.P. Nield is working on a poetry collection entitled London Lockdown
Harrumphing and hot air
Bernard-Henri Lévy’s polemic against coronavirus lockdowns is “a stale little bonbon”
Playing God with our grub
Hey, Public Health England, leave our food alone
The dangerous rise of egg harvesting
Women should not be encouraged to undergo a dangerous and unnecessary procedure
An optimistic history of women’s rights
Sexed: A History of British Feminism. Susanna Rustin
British broadcasting capitulation
Editorial standards have been thrown out, and anti-white discrimination embraced at the BBC
Beef stew
Drake might be literally alive, but in terms of reputation, this was a murder
Ireland must accept the Cass Review
The Republic is ignoring the disturbing evidence about youth transition
Do the arts need policy?
Decoupling creativity from policy might give art ambition again
England’s forgotten football dystopia
The beautiful game is not fit to be a national religion
Women have bad odds with Dodds
This appointment is an insult from Keir Starmer