This history of sport fails to bowl over
An inadequate night watchmen of the genre
Bring home the bacon
The humble bacon sandwich is the only possible choice for breakfast
Sink Michael Gove’s Irish Sea border
The NIP is destroying the Belfast Agreement before it’s even fully implemented
Johnson’s better angel takes flight
Munira Mirza was the Prime Minister’s indispensable foil
When is a bot not a bot?
Answer: when it’s a feminist
The wealth of having enough
In an age of consumption, contentment is a crime
Much ado about mothers
Mumsnet has been airing the trans lobby’s dirty laundry
Drawing the line on hatred
Do proposed new hate crime laws balance free speech with protecting minorities?
Silver spoons and sob stories
What makes an heiress?
Blackwell’s: an undesirable new chapter?
The sale of the bookshop is not a good omen for the book industry