Classical Music
A path open to us all
Daniel Johnson reviews Wagner’s Parsifal, by Roger Scruton
Welcome to the unfrozen North
How Canada reinvented its musical prowess
Tapping into history
As soon as you enter you can kiss your working day goodbye
Scruton’s Danubian overtures
Sir Roger Scruton: A classical composer and inspiration to Hungarian students
High notes go wrong
Flying is a macho thing for musicians. It shows they are in demand and living the good life
Schlock of the new
Those in charge are in thrall to vain provocateur directors
High Drama on the Podium
Norman Lebrecht on the late, great Mariss Jansons who died on December 1st
Traditional rebels
Why music students are resisting the new teaching regime
Play it both ways, Dmitry
This new biography has set my feet pounding, for once in admiration rather than indignation