
The short stories of the long nineteenth century through the lens of Covid-19

The implications of identity politics on literary trends

We need a system where books that publishers really love, where it’s not mere puff, get a special sticker on the front, says John Self

Put down the pandemic novels: Here’s my favourite fiction of 2020

What we have is pure storytelling delight, a page-turner that works forwards and backwards as the reader fills in the gaps

The Conservative party were once the country party. They could be again. It might even net them some votes

If Martin Amis isn’t entertaining you on every page, then what’s the point of him?

John Self examines three varied, emotionally satisfying novels that together come in at less than the length of a single Mantel

Natasha Green reviews Kitty Peck and the Music Hall Murders, by Kate Griffin

The hip young authors who write about their greatest obsession – themselves