
Those who deny biological sex are dangerous and disingenuous; it’s time the rest of us stood up to them

Young people’s bodies have become collateral damage in the ongoing culture wars as politicians continue to pander to trans ideology

A brief guide to the British Film Institute’s 22 genders

We must not empower an international body to meddle in matters which should be left to our own lawmakers

Louise Perry says there is nothing demeaning about work traditionally done by women

Natascha Engel reviews Difficult Women, by Helen Lewis

Good things can come out of junked changes to the GRA

Is it transphobic to say women get periods? Don’t be daft, says Ella Whelan

Women may now account for 64 per cent of fine arts graduates in Britain but research shows the old values remain entrenched, says Michael Prodger

The law, philosophy and words for male and female