Hampstead Heath
Just add water
The Hampstead Heath ponds offer a recipe for the perfect summer afternoon
Killing with kindness
Cull of the Wild: Killing in the Name of Conservation. By Hugh Warwick
Online gambling isn’t bad for the economy
Is there an economic case for prohibitionism? No
Still-sparkling gems of an annus mirabilis
Tried and tested novels overlooked in our neophilic rush to the new and wanting
Stubbs at flay
His controlled charnel house gave the painter a peerless understanding of horses
The crisis at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre
Serious as it is, it is no anomaly
Elon Musk versus the EU
A high-level dispute has major implications for online freedom
No dog in this fight
A Labour government will bring fresh disasters to replace the old Tory ones, but the Critic will continue its policy of honest criticism
The cinematic future is bright
“The End” is in sight for communal film-watching, right? Wrong
Gunther Fehlinger-Jahn, European
Where does shitposting end and statesmanship begin?
Is cricket growing up and leaving home?
In many ways the sport is thriving, but there is danger ahead