
The home of mid-budgeted literate films aimed at adults is no longer at the cinema

This is a beautifully illustrated, handsomely printed and thorough, scholarly exposition of the triumphal arch

This is the best popular edition ever produced of one of the most amusing books in our language

Alexander Larman remembers one of the most exciting, page-turning novels ever written

At the V&A the lines between madness and sanity are blurred

Is our Prime Minister the Fat Owl of the Government?

This is a starkly different interpretation on the proliferation of written constitutions and rams it home with cogency and panache

This is not only an objective biography by a distinguished academic, it is also a warm personal memoir

Women now dominate the literary landscape

David Cameron kept a copy of Evelyn Waugh’s peerless satire on his desk, but Boris Johnson’s eventful career is entirely in the Scoop mould