Surviving the love of a psychopath
Norman Scott gets the last word against the man who raped and plotted to murder him
Survivors, not suspects
Can a new report finally get rape victims out of the dock?
Cressida Dick’s toxic legacy
The Met can’t be left to clean up its own mess
We live in a rape culture
The feminist fix: Root out the rapists who claim innocence
Below the belt
Why is the government comparing Christian pastoral care to rape?
Call a child rapist a “child rapist”
The feminist fix: No one is pre-programmed to “desire” sex with children
The underage guessing game
Pornhub’s meagre team of moderators often just guess at who is being raped
Time to get tough on porn
The porn industry profits from human misery. Why should we allow it to continue unchecked?
The Talentless Mr Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein’s disruptive career in film
Rape: how the left betrayed women
A toxic mix of porn and “woke” feminism has produced a dangerous new misogyny