Let kids be kids
The “unconscious bias” theory is detrimental in the fight against racism
Breast is not always best
The obsession with breastfeeding is hindering women’s freedom of choice
Sex selective abortions: Every woman’s right
No one who supports bans on sex selective abortions has the right to call themselves a feminist
It’s not racist not to support Black Lives Matter
Ella Whelan explains why we all need to start talking, in person, again
J K Rowling is not transphobic
Is it transphobic to say women get periods? Don’t be daft, says Ella Whelan
The people’s pantomime
Did we spend months in misery because we couldn’t handle the truth?
Waiting for normal
Why lockdown is the perfect time to read Samuel Beckett
Trotsky’s lesson for dealing with Covid-19
Man must extend his mastery over nature
Mindfulness won’t get you through the lockdown
Brits needs to rediscover their stiff upper lip
Woke eugenics
When eco-warriors talk of population control, they mean the world would be better off with fewer poor black people