Red pill, blue pill
Is The Matrix best judged as cinema or cultural phenomenon?
Will the Protocol destroy the Belfast Agreement?
Michael Gove’s NIP has pushed the DUP to the brink
You can censor, but you can’t hide
The Guardian’s redacting controversial commentary on the gender wars does a disservice to readers
From self-ID to no-ID
You’ll be amazed what they’re trying to get away with now
Rhyme or reason
Poetry doesn’t need to be useful
Where does American strategy go from here?
What are the strategic options for American defence policy following the Afghanistan withdrawal?
Inside the memory of 9/11
Twenty years later, it’s hard to remember how the world reacted with a unity unthinkable today
Afternoon delights
Alexander Larman reports from a half-liberated, half-imprisoned world
Freaky Friday
Tories and Labour become each other
See no evil
Rampant sexual violence begins with porn use and ends in the death of women and girls