Bring back plain English
Most literary criticism is don addressing don, in a style designed to exclude ordinary people
In defence of narrative history
Stories make scholarship human
Castaneda the sorcerer
Hoaxer, fraud … prophet?
A defence of capitalism
Rainer Zitelmann is a rare intellectual
Rebadging the past as feel-good therapy
The discipline faces not so much a crisis of history, as a crisis of historicism
Academics attack!
Attempts are being made to silence gender critical women
Deconstructing decolonisation
At its most radical, the push for decolonising the curriculum rests on a series of false assumptions that we need to repudiate
#ReceptioGate and the (absolute) state of academia
The numbers game has incentivised bad behaviour
Why we should resist academic calls for climate reparations
Simply blaming the West is easy but wrong
My “debunked” views
A response to an attempted cancellation