Shinzo Abe
A leader who loved Japan
How Shinzo Abe and his country resisted stagnation
The man who restored Japan
Shinzo Abe has led Japan to overcome its war guilt and emerge as a major global power
Modernism at the opera house
Everything sacred and beautiful must be dragged through the mud
Labour won’t survive unless it boosts living standards
People need hope that things can eventually get better
Anatomy of a populist cynic
As Spain’s national-conservatives get outflanked by “Alvise”, Europe’s “new right” would do well to watch the fringes, too
We must punish the parents
How should France tackle the problem of repeat juvenile offenders?
Why we all feel let down
Reflecting upon the corrosive power of disillusionment in politics and why our leaders are virtue vacuums who lack both competence and character
Immigration is still the elephant in the room
Violence is appalling, yet we have to understand the conditions from which it emerged
Labour is betraying women
From benefits to crime, Keir is letting women down
You can’t beat the left at its own game
Conservative attempts to reverse leftist victimology are doomed to fail
Farage bursts the green bubble
Nigel Farage is right about the unrestrained pursuit of Net Zero