Woke World
Happy New Year, bigots
Failure to comply with my New Year’s resolutions will be considered a hate crime
Block Boris!
There is a risk that if Boris Johnson receives the most votes he might actually win. This is unacceptable
The Candy Man can
The people’s party: now bankrolled by one of the country’s richest property developers
John Swinney’s Isla Bryson moment?
The Scottish Government must be made to face the facts on sex and gender
Accidental Orientalism
Britain has been reduced to selling a cheap simulacrum of its history
A taste of history
Travel to Italy to savour the majestic “Barolo of the South”
Subscribe to save the BBC
A radical new solution to the problem of the BBC’s outmoded licence fee that could ensure more high-quality programming
French lessons
Macron’s centrist coalition has not only led the country to paralysis, but is itself threatened with implosion
Killing democracy to save it?
The annulling of the first round of the Romanian presidential elections should concern us all
On the awfulness of liberals
The Lords must put the Leadbeater bill to sleep
Over the line
No one should discipline children for asking honest questions or telling the truth
How Putin uses history as a weapon
Russia’s new Tsar has rewritten the national story
Only the truly privileged can be cultural relativists
It is easy not to judge appalling cultural practices from a distance