
The BAFTA film awards have seen plenty of diversity in recent years, but have gone down in film history as the least diverse film awards ever. Why?

The rambling and discursive nature of the writing lends Rupert Everett’s book an enjoyable appeal

Soviet cinema reveals to the West that life in the USSR was not all grey, unsmiling misery; instead, the Soviets were just like us

Christopher Silvester explains how censorship has suppressed Nigerian films that have won international acclaim

The 1946 classic is a timely reminder that affection and loyalty can surface in the most difficult of circumstances

How the rise of streaming platforms has killed home entertainment

Christopher Silvester on the essential, and undervalued, part editors play in film and documentary creation

The Deer Hunter remains the most affecting of Vietnam movies, Christopher Silvester writes

Al Capone’s relationship with the movies goes back a long way, writes Christopher Silvester