
Christopher Silvester on two extraordinary films from Eastern Europe shown at the London Film Festival

The formidably long run-time of Dune leaves viewers with little world-building and a lack of colour

It’s Wes Anderson vs Edgar Wright in the battle for the coolest ever soundtrack

Christopher Silvester on a war movie with no rousing patriotic music or violence, but nevertheless filled with unexpected delights and discoveries

Is Sir Ridley Scott a surprising feminist?

The home of mid-budgeted literate films aimed at adults is no longer at the cinema

Alexander Larman remembers one of the most exciting, page-turning novels ever written

To get a handle on African cinema, watch Mandabi

Is this 1991 blockbuster an underrated masterpiece or kitsch nonsense?

Suggestions that Donner was a director-for-hire rather than a true auteur are harsh and inaccurate