
Will Collins traces the aristocratic roots of the social justice warriors’ search for purity

Spoiled beaks and free thought at Eton

There is a concerted attempt to reconstruct what children are taught about their history

“Vulva owners”, Eton’s woke head master, and the BBC’s hagiography of BLM

A contemporary political drama uses the double whammy of Covid and Brexit to reanimate older, primeval forces

Is the whole institution of the public school starting to become unfit for purpose in the 21st century?

Tears over Jordan Peterson’s book, The Sun goes woke and the BBC’s “fisherpeople”

One recent graduate of Eton College laments how the school has transformed into a place of ideological homogeneity

It is the duty of a responsible publisher to reflect the intellectual and social diversity that exists across the world

Why have our great cultural institutions been among the first to fall?